Draw a cheetah footprint in just seven easy steps! Cheetahs are remarkable animals for several reasons. The main thing to admire about the cheetah is that it is the fastest animal on the planet, but that’s not all there is to admire about it! It also has a beautiful color pattern that many people love, and once you know how to draw a cheetah print, it can also be used in many craft designs. It can be a little complicated to draw, but once you get to the end of this guide, it won’t seem difficult! We’ve created this step-by-step guide on how to draw a cheetah print in just seven steps to make creating this beautiful design more straightforward than ever. Drawing of a flower
How to Draw a Cheetah Print – Let’s Get Started!
Step 1
Drawing a pattern like a cheetah print might look complicated, but it can be done by making lots of small shapes. For this reason, in this tutorial on how to draw a cheetah footprint, we’re going to take it easy! We’ll start with a small part of the staining pattern. As you can see from our reference image, these little dots will be pretty varied. They will primarily be drawn as irregular, thin oval shapes. Some will be filled with black, while others will have a few small holes. The shapes will be a bit smaller and more robust for this part. Once you have the look you want, you are ready for step 2!
Step 2 – Remove some additional conventions.
We will go one step further to create the design for this step of your cheetah print drawing. As they move inward, the spots will get slightly more prominent. Some of them will also have white spots inside or a gap on the side. However, there’s no wrong way to do it, and as long as you’re consistent, you can tweak the design a bit!
Step 3 – Resume creating the method in this degree.
Now that you have started to understand it, you will have no problem with this tutorial’s next steps on drawing a cheetah footprint. These next stitches will continue down the center of the pattern and will also be relatively large compared to the ones you drew in step one. As you can see in the reference image, they will also have many white spots.
Step 4 – Now draw the pattern extending upwards.
We will slightly change the direction of this part of the cheetah print design. These will increase, and as they do, they will start to get smaller, like those in stage one. If you later draw the cheetah’s face and neck, these will extend to the neck.
Step 5: Draw a few final dots.
This step-by-step guide on drawing a cheetah print will have you draw the top points of the spots. These will be closest to the cheetah’s face and, for this reason, will be the smallest on the cheetah. These last dots will look more like thick pen dots covering the space on the face. You can always add more spaces or remove some if you want because it’s still your drawing! Once you’re happy with the number of seats you have, move on to the final steps.
Step 6 – Now draw a facial outline for the cheetah
This last part of the cheetah print drawing is a little more optional, as it deals with drawing the cheetah’s face where these dots are. We have shown you how to draw the face of a cheetah, so if you want to add it, you can carefully follow the image to create the majestic face of the cheetah.
However, it is a way to complete this design. You can also incorporate this pattern into another design, with plenty of options! Perhaps you could design a fancy dress with this pattern or create a bedspread with the pattern to free your inner home decorator. These are just a few ideas, but in what creative ways will you complete this fantastic cheetah print design?
Step 7 – Finish the cheetah print drawing with some color
Now that you’ve finished drawing the dots and the pattern, it’s time for the fun last step of this guide on how to draw a cheetah footprint. You can use your favorite art media and tools to add beautiful colors to your image! In our aim